понедельник, 21 декабря 2015 г.

The giant suspension bridge in China build builder with titanium hands ...

In China, preparing to pass a suspension bridge across the river Qingshui into operation, which will be the second largest in the world. The cost of the construction - 240 million US dollars. As a result, the distance between the city of Guiyang and the District Vengyan reduced from 160 to 37 km.
The construction of the bridge height of 406 meters and a length of 1,130 meters took two years, and worked on it exclusively builders with titanium nerves. Just look at the pictures to see this.

вторник, 8 декабря 2015 г.

The world's largest pig (dead, and without getting into the Guinness Book of Records) was from China. It was 2.5 meters in length, had a waist circumference of 2.23 m, and its tusks were 14.4 cm long.

                 Most lone British schoolboy

Ten Aaron Anderson - the only student of the school in the remote Scottish island of Out Skerries. He goes to class one lunch and one at the site also plays alone.

Aaron wants to be a fisherman like his father. He studied English, mathematics, science, cooking and work. At school, two classrooms, class work, music class and a library.

Education Aaron worth 75,357 pounds a year. Both of his older brothers also went to this school, and is now studying in the town of Lerwick, in two and a half hours by boat from the Out Skerries. They come home only on weekends and holidays.
Aron recognizes that to be the only disciple of strange, but says that he has a lot of work and leave the island he does not want.

воскресенье, 6 декабря 2015 г.

Tu-160 - the most powerful aircraft in the history of military aviation
The introduction of a new type of cruise missiles has brought a new level of power of the Russian supersonic strategic bomber-rocket carrier Tu-160, writes The National Interest.
The newspaper reminds that the Tu-160 was developed in the Soviet Union during the "Cold War." It was Moscow's response to the creation of the American heavy strategic bomber unobtrusive Northrop B-2 "Spirit", but the Russian plane went on his former rival.
As the author of the article, based on the concept of the Tu-160, which is capable of speeds up to 2200 km / h, is the use of high speed, the ability to quickly take the starting position and reset the cruise missiles before the enemy can react.
During a military air operation in Syria, Russian Tu-160 has released the latest cruise missiles X-101, had never been applied during the fighting, says NI. The introduction of this kind of weapons does the Tu-160 is especially dangerous opponent. With a maximum takeoff weight of 275 000 kg, the Tu-160 is the largest and most powerful military aircraft ever existed, the paper concludes.

среда, 2 декабря 2015 г.

The longest vehicle ever built, designed Orberg Jay (Jay Ohrberg) a resident of California Burbank (USA). The length of a ten limousine reaches 100 feet or 30.48 meters, so he got into the Guinness Book of Records. And this car is really worth!

воскресенье, 22 ноября 2015 г.

The most difficult game in the world is considered to be th ...

This name came to European languages ​​from Japan. Full naming games in Japan sounds like "i-th". In Korea, it is known as Baduk, while China veytsi. Guo (veytsi) - one of the oldest games in the world. According to various sources, its age is between 2,500 and 4,000 years. According to Chinese legend, invented the game semi-mythical emperor Yao (XXIV century BC. E.), Wishing to develop the mind and mindfulness heir to the throne. But the documentary evidence that we have, much younger than the ancient tradition and refer to the period of the dynasty Western (Early) Han (III-I century BC. E.). At this time, the game has been very popular. And the oldest extant playing board dated IV century. Most scientists believe that veytsi appeared in the Zhou era, between XII and III centuries BC. e. In Japan, the game was brought only in the VII century. But in this country it has reached the peak of its popularity.
Surprisingly, for many centuries, the rules have not changed Guo. It's pretty simple. For the game board is used, which marked 19 lines horizontally and vertically, forming a 361 square (game point). Two players take turns stones filled with these items. For convenience, the stones are painted in a contrasting color, such as black and white. The essence of the game is to earn as many points. To do this, you can capture territory (its surrounding empty points stones) or destroy the opponent's stones. To capture the enemy stone, need to surround it from all sides. This is where the difficulty begins. Although the rules are quite simple, Go is much more complex and the more chess pieces.
361-cell playing field creates a huge number of options. For comparison: in chess after the fourth stroke occurs about 100 000 possible positions, then Guo their number exceeds 16 billion. If chess machines have long since learned to beat the best grandmasters in the laurels of the winner Go for them they are not yet available. To this there are several reasons. Firstly, as mentioned above, the number of options in the game is so huge that even a simple mechanical sorting extremely difficult. Secondly, there are serious problems with the position estimate. If chess has long developed criteria for evaluating the position and determine the value of the figures, the Go is more complicated. Even the professional players are arguing about the possibilities of this or that combination. Currently, the best program for the game in the second - it MoGoTitan. It runs on a supercomputer capacity of 15 teraflops, ie processing 15 trillion operations per second, and is played only at the level of a strong amateur.

суббота, 14 ноября 2015 г.

Brilliant "Blue Moon" sold at Sotheby's for $ 48 million

Rare blue diamond sold at Sotheby's in Geneva for 48.26 million dollars, breaking a world record price for a jewel, paid at auction. It is reported by Tass.

Estimate stone "Blue Moon" was 35-55 million. The previous world record for the total price of pink diamonds belonged Graff Pink, pushed under the hammer for 46.158 million dollars.

Weight "Blue Moon" is 12.03 carats. Brilliant was made of diamond weighing 29.6 carats discovered in 2014 in the South African mines, "Cullinan".

In Chile, it began construction of the world's largest telescope

In the Atacama Desert (Chile) began construction of the world's largest telescope GMT, which will mirror diameter of 25.4 meters. Solemnly laid the first stone of Chilean President Michelle Bachelet.

In Chile, it began construction of the Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT). The procedure for the ceremonial laying of the foundation stone in the Atacama Desert held Chilean President Michelle Bachelet. According to Bachelet, GMT will open new horizons for the study of outer space, as the quality of his shots in 10 times greater than the images obtained from the "Hubble".

Reflector GMT will be the largest among all earthly counterparts. The diameter of its mirror, consisting of 7 segments, reaches 25.4 meters. The height of the protective dome is comparable to the 22-storeyed house. The main purpose of the new telescope is the study of black holes and cosmic objects outside our solar system. Scientists plan to study the ancient galaxies, planets, among which may be double the Earth. Ready GMT telescope design will be at a height of 2.5 km above sea level. Commissioning is scheduled for 2021. In the construction of participating companies from Chile, the US, Brazil and South Korea.
                           Shark goblin
The most rare and unique animals in the world.

But if you come across such an instance, can be scared to death. By itself, this shark is not so large, grows up to 2 meters, but terribly terrible.

среда, 11 ноября 2015 г.

KA-50 Black Shark - the most maneuverable helicopter in the world, the only one who makes a loop, and the maneuver "funnel" - moving around the target with a change in altitude at a speed of 180 km / h.

Genetic engineering saved the first human leukemia

Genetically modified cells for the first time helped to save a terminally ill child from leukemia. It is reported by New Scientist.

At the age of three months, Leila was diagnosed with acute lymphoblastic leukemia - a malignant disease in which cancerous bone marrow stem cells released into the blood immature lymphoid cells in large quantities. The girl immediately began to treat with standard treatments (chemotherapy and bone marrow transplantation), but at her age, this therapy is successful only in a quarter of cases, and Leila had no luck.

Despite the presence of cancer cells after chemotherapy sessions, the doctors decided to transplant bone marrow, hoping that the immune cells in the donor organ will win leukemia - but that did not happen. Two months later, the condition of Leyla again deteriorated, while doctors have turned to Qasim Waseem (Waseem Qasim) from University College London, who is developing genetic techniques to fight cancer.

In general, treatment is taking immune cells from a patient, genetically modify them to combat cancer cells and return back. Sometimes, there are added receptor gene CAR19, which causes cytotoxic T lymphocytes (T cells) to seek and kill cells with the CD19 protein on the surface - they cause acute lymphoblastic leukemia.

However, Leila was too small and the patient, to provide such a T-cell. Therefore, Qasim had to use material obtained from another healthy donor and a modified way to treat hundreds of patients. To these cells did not take all the cells in the recipient as foreign and attacked them, it took a gene editing with "molecular scissors" - proteins TALEN.

Qasim cut two genes: receptor responsible for recognizing the recipient's cells as foreign, and another gene whose absence made the donor T cells invisible to the antibodies that Leila was adopted (as a drug that suppresses its own immune system).

At the time, the modified T cells UCART19 been tested only on mice, but because the girl died, her parents decided to take a chance. Despite the likelihood of incorrect operation of the molecular scissors (sometimes they are not cut out those genes, and donor cells themselves turn into cancer), treatment was successful: T-cell lymphoblasts successfully overcame.

Three months later, Leila again transplanted bone marrow: a healthy immune cells recognize cells UCART19 as foreign and destroy them. Thus, now in the body girl remained genetically modified cells.

While a complete cure Leila too early to say, but she is alive and doing well. Complete clinical trials UCART19 will begin in 2016, which may prove that the success of the London girls were not accidental.

воскресенье, 8 ноября 2015 г.

Middlemist - the rarest flower in the world. Throughout the world there are only 2 examples. British gardener John Middlemist, traveling in 1854 to China, was fascinated by the red rose, which he accidentally found. He dug a flower and brought him to Britain to put the greenhouse of the United Kingdom. He could not even suggest that because of this he saved the last instance of a flower in the world. In his honor and was named the red rose.
Scientists have discovered the remains of the ancient rat the size of a dog

Archaeologists have discovered the remains of the territory of Timor old rats, which in size are reminiscent of dogs. Experts suggest that in those days people lived near the habitat of extinct animals and even eating them. Details of the discovery were presented Dzhulenom Luis, the head of the archaeological team, during paleontological conference in Texas.

A team of American archaeologists have discovered the remains of the Timorese on the territory of the ancient species of rats, which are comparable in size with the dogs. Experts have suggested that people at that time built their villages close to the habitat of extinct animals. In all likelihood, this type of animal consumed, even for food. For information about the opening leader of the archaeological team Julien Luis presented to the fossil conference in Texas. Scientists say that this kind of rat is the most enormous of the now well-known. Thus, the average rat weighs about one kilogram.

Ancient representatives of this type weigh more than five kilograms. Experts currently trying to establish the causes, because of which rodents once extinct. Scientists admit two options - climate change and human hunting activities. Note that according to the scientists, the rats became extinct about a thousand years ago.
                          African Civet

The only representative of the eponymous family. These animals live in Africa, in open spaces with high herbage from Senegal to Somalia, south to Namibia and eastern areas of South Africa.
The size of the beast may be strong enough to visually increase when Viverra raises when excited wool. A fur her thick and long, especially on the back closer to the tail.
On the hunt for African Civet secret anal glands, which is a valuable raw material for the perfume industry. And the industry is known since the days of King Solomon. Hunters do not kill animals often Viverra and catch to hold in captivity. In such a valuable animal musk is collected several times a week for export to America and European countries.

However, in zoos African Civet not often see. In Russia, the only animal lives in the Rostov zoo. This female, settled here in '98 (when she was about two years). Unfortunately, the male in the couple it was never found. It is not surprising, because the nearest Viverra (her sister), until recently, lived alone in Nikolaev Zoo. According to ISIS in Europe, there are a couple of animals in the Czech Republic (the zoo in Olomouc).

понедельник, 2 ноября 2015 г.

четверг, 29 октября 2015 г.

Elephants, perhaps, one of the most intelligent and sensitive animals on Earth. They are able to feel a sense of joy, sorrow, compassion. Only elephants, humans and Neanderthals have a ritual burial. If an elephant is sick - members of the flock bring him food and support him as he is. In the wild, elephants live up to 60-70 years, and in captivity - 80.

среда, 28 октября 2015 г.


This wonderful animals appeared on Earth 66 million years ago! These little creatures mammals. Their body length of 30 to 88 cm, tail is about the same. These amazing creatures live in Southeast Asia and sub-Saharan Africa. They live in forests and in open areas. In pangolin very long tongue (40 cm), covered with sticky saliva. This saliva attracts many insects. They feed exclusively termites and ants. Pangolin nests are not only dining room, but also a kind of "cleaning station": an animal to sit in front of angry ants and rastopyrivat flakes and insects crawl under them, starting to bite pangolin, but he suffers; after a while pangolin scales dramatically closes crushing ants.
They live alone. It breeds once a year. After 150 days after mating, 1-3 cubs are born. The kids are well developed, covered with soft scales, which hardens in a few days. A month later, the little pangolin begin to feed on insects.

In an emergency, pangolins curl up into a ball, which is open only to the power of a lion or a tiger.
This kind of dying out due to the fact that many illegal companies are killing these animals for meat and scales.

At lobster brain is located in the throat, the nervous system - in the abdomen, teeth - in the stomach and kidneys - in the head. In addition, the lobster hear feet, feel the taste of food and claws, as well as people who are left-handers and right-handers.

вторник, 27 октября 2015 г.

Snowball - only known in the history of zoological observations gorilla albino, 1972.

Miracle Tree "Octopus F1" or "tomato tree".
It grows up to 4 m. Above. Record harvest - 14,000 of tomatoes, a total weight of 1500 kg!


This name was given astronomers a theoretical object the size of Mars, which is about 4.5 billion years ago, faced with the Earth, and the wreckage of the disaster eventually formed the Moon. It sounds more like the script of a Hollywood movie, but "giant impact theory" today is the chief scientific explanation of the origin of the Moon.

понедельник, 26 октября 2015 г.

Seven miles - one of the most beautiful bridges in the world. Its length is 11 kilometers. Florida, United States

Most curved road in the world is located in San Francisco called Russian..

Ivan Fernandez Anaya - the most honest runner.

In December 2012 the competitions in Spain, with more prize money, they participated strongest athletes. The most interesting thing happened at the finish. Kenyan Abel Mutai, who is the bronze medalist of the London Olympics in the women's 3,000 meters steeplechase, confidently took the lead, but not having reached some ten meters before the finish line stopped.

He mistakenly thought that has crossed the finish line and began to greet the audience, which in turn the Spanish were trying to tell him that he ran a little. Released to finish second Spaniard Ivan Fernandez Anaya could dribbled the Kenyan and take first place, but instead he began to push Abel in the back, pointing to the finish line. After the race, Ivan said that he was more important to preserve the dignity than win the gold medal.

суббота, 3 октября 2015 г.

                       The migration of red crabs

Christmas Island - a small Australian island in the Indian Ocean, 2600 kilometers north-west of Perth. Remarkable fact that in November and December you can watch the grand migration of red crabs.

Just imagine 120 million crabs, which are completely filled with the island! For their free movement even block roads and build temporary bridges

Animals that are very well want to become photographers