воскресенье, 22 ноября 2015 г.

The most difficult game in the world is considered to be th ...

This name came to European languages ​​from Japan. Full naming games in Japan sounds like "i-th". In Korea, it is known as Baduk, while China veytsi. Guo (veytsi) - one of the oldest games in the world. According to various sources, its age is between 2,500 and 4,000 years. According to Chinese legend, invented the game semi-mythical emperor Yao (XXIV century BC. E.), Wishing to develop the mind and mindfulness heir to the throne. But the documentary evidence that we have, much younger than the ancient tradition and refer to the period of the dynasty Western (Early) Han (III-I century BC. E.). At this time, the game has been very popular. And the oldest extant playing board dated IV century. Most scientists believe that veytsi appeared in the Zhou era, between XII and III centuries BC. e. In Japan, the game was brought only in the VII century. But in this country it has reached the peak of its popularity.
Surprisingly, for many centuries, the rules have not changed Guo. It's pretty simple. For the game board is used, which marked 19 lines horizontally and vertically, forming a 361 square (game point). Two players take turns stones filled with these items. For convenience, the stones are painted in a contrasting color, such as black and white. The essence of the game is to earn as many points. To do this, you can capture territory (its surrounding empty points stones) or destroy the opponent's stones. To capture the enemy stone, need to surround it from all sides. This is where the difficulty begins. Although the rules are quite simple, Go is much more complex and the more chess pieces.
361-cell playing field creates a huge number of options. For comparison: in chess after the fourth stroke occurs about 100 000 possible positions, then Guo their number exceeds 16 billion. If chess machines have long since learned to beat the best grandmasters in the laurels of the winner Go for them they are not yet available. To this there are several reasons. Firstly, as mentioned above, the number of options in the game is so huge that even a simple mechanical sorting extremely difficult. Secondly, there are serious problems with the position estimate. If chess has long developed criteria for evaluating the position and determine the value of the figures, the Go is more complicated. Even the professional players are arguing about the possibilities of this or that combination. Currently, the best program for the game in the second - it MoGoTitan. It runs on a supercomputer capacity of 15 teraflops, ie processing 15 trillion operations per second, and is played only at the level of a strong amateur.

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