воскресенье, 8 ноября 2015 г.

                          African Civet

The only representative of the eponymous family. These animals live in Africa, in open spaces with high herbage from Senegal to Somalia, south to Namibia and eastern areas of South Africa.
The size of the beast may be strong enough to visually increase when Viverra raises when excited wool. A fur her thick and long, especially on the back closer to the tail.
On the hunt for African Civet secret anal glands, which is a valuable raw material for the perfume industry. And the industry is known since the days of King Solomon. Hunters do not kill animals often Viverra and catch to hold in captivity. In such a valuable animal musk is collected several times a week for export to America and European countries.

However, in zoos African Civet not often see. In Russia, the only animal lives in the Rostov zoo. This female, settled here in '98 (when she was about two years). Unfortunately, the male in the couple it was never found. It is not surprising, because the nearest Viverra (her sister), until recently, lived alone in Nikolaev Zoo. According to ISIS in Europe, there are a couple of animals in the Czech Republic (the zoo in Olomouc).

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